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Home Improvement Contractor Troubles

Most everyone has engaged a home improvement contractor at some point in their lives whether it be for a major renovation or simply a repair. And, unfortunately, a large part of those people will run into trouble with the contractor they use and be left with a very aggravating problem. What do I do now?

For those of you who haven't reached that problem yet but are in the process of engaging a home improvement contractor, I urge you to make sure they are licensed by the State of New Jersey, make sure you check out their references and make sure that you have everything in writing preferably reviewed by an attorney prior to signature.

Now, if you are in a situation where your repair or renovation went awry and your contractor refuses to either make good on your original deal, you may have some options. Many people are unaware that the State of New Jersey has some very strong consumer protection laws and some of those laws specifically deal with home improvement contractors. We have what is known as the Consumer Fraud Act and violations of it (by a contractor, for example) can leave that contractor on the hook for treble damages as well as your attorney's fees and costs of suit.

This office offers a free consultation for any such case and we do sometimes take the case on a contingency whereby we collect no legal fee unless the matter is settled (in which case a legal fee would be part of the settlement) or a judgment is obtained wherein a legal fee is awarded.

So if you have home improvement issues, don't go it alone, you may have more options than you think!

Kenneth Gallo